Nuestra Historia
Founded in Bogota, Colombia in 1972
The Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International was created in 1972 as a Christian Church guided by the Holy Spirit and as practitioners of the Bible. The following is the first prophecy given by Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive that same year to her husband Luis Eduardo Moreno, in which God promised: —
“I will make this small fold into a great nation where I will manifest, I will bring prosperity and I will bring the souls. I will teach you the doctrine and you will preach to numerous people, I will use you and give you all the spiritual gifts. I will support you. My Church will spread throughout the world I will raise it up; I myself will lead and govern the Church.”
“Anywhere a sincere soul may be I will bring it to this place. I will grant them peace, joy and happiness. Some will want to join; even people from other congregations will come and will join my Church. Every person that comes into my Church will be materially and spiritually blessed. I shall bring those who are to be saved. Many people will convert to me. I will teach you all the doctrine, give you revelations and will support your words.
All of these promises have been fulfilled. People have had the opportunity to hear from God through the gift of prophecy, visions, dreams, revelations, and discernment. People have experienced the power of God in their hearts, they have been transformed from their vices and flaws. Likewise, they have been blessed in their material life, but above all, they have been filled with joy and peace that only God can grant. In these past years, the growth of the Church has been wonderful; there are more than 800 locations in the world where thousands of people enjoy the full gospel, where the living God guides His people.

Sister Maria Luisa Piraquive
Worldwide Leader of the Church
Sister María Luisa Piraquive is the worldwide leader of the Church of God Ministry of Jesus Christ International. From the age of 7, she received the calling of God in which He entrusted her the task of bringing souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Since 1972, the spiritual gifts that are described in the Bible have manifested in her. Currently, the signs, wonders, and demonstrations that were seen with the apostles and prophets of God, as taught in Scripture, are made evident in her.
This truth is confirmed day by day. The testimonies received where people around the world report blessings, benefits, freedom, peace, and life transformations are countless. The support of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for His Work, and for the person chosen by Him to lead His Church in this time is undeniable.
Sister María Luisa Piraquive preaches the Word of the Lord around the world, conducting hundreds of Bible Studies on all continents. Due to her exemplary religious, educational, and social work, she has received honorary doctorates, academic titles, and various recognitions from multiple institutions in Colombia and abroad.